Thursday, July 24, 2008

Hauling away the past

Yesterday was invested at the Barn with a neighbor from across the river who, for a price, hauled away two small dump-truck loads of trash and dead machinery. Some of it was hard to let go, like the garden tractor that meant so much to Bert. But, now that it's off the property, I feel somewhat relieved.

I'm beginning to think that change is a good thing, at least when it helps dim memories that encourage painful nostalgia. When we cannot reset the clock and bring back a loved one, is there anything to commend holding close material possessions that are only sad reminders? If I had the financial means, I would have completely different furniture in the Barn; I would no longer "see" Bert in his recliner or "hear" him peacefully snoring in the bed we shared.

For now, I'll settle for having two truckloads of memories out of sight - permanently.